In January 2008, Vampire Weekend released their self-titled album which was praised as one of the best albums of the year. This earned them several appearances on nearly every late night talk show on television, gaining them more popularity than they ever dreamed of.
Their next album, Contra, is going to be released on this Tuesday (January 12th, 2010). I've had a chance to give this album a listen and I have to say it is definitely a grower. Upon first listen I wasn't too impressed - for the exception of the track 'Giving Up the Gun' which is going to be the hit single, no doubt about it. Overall, this album is very reminiscent of Animal Collective, which can be good or bad depending on your tastes.
Here is a track listing:
1 Horchata
2 White Sky
3 Holiday
4 California English
5 Taxi Cab
6 Run
7 Cousins
8 Giving Up The Gun
9 Diplomat's Son
10 I Think Ur A Contra
I'd give this album 6 skin tight jeans out of 10. After more listens I'll probably rethink my original stance and end up giving the album 7 skin tight jeans out of 10, but whatever.